By Christopher Kyalo Platinum Quality Author
You may be among the people who have been mislead by the pieces of writing I occasionally come across that swear that promotional SEO (search engine optimized) keyword-rich articles do not generate much traffic and that ghostwriters are a waste of time and money.
It is rather obvious that the folks involved in this kind of misinformation are not even aware of the fact that just by using the right keywords a simple article posted on any blog or web site can attract tons of traffic. Neither do they have any clue about seo ghostwriters who know what they are doing posting articles at leading article directories with three key objectives in mind, rather than one. The three are as follows;
1) Generate immediate links with the right anchor text pointing at your site for SEO reasons.
2) To launch a possible viral campaign where other webmasters and bloggers will re-post the articles at their sites with the links intact thus generating a constant flow of one way back links pointing to your site for SEO reasons.
3) To get immediate traffic and future traffic from your articles in article directories. This can only happen when you carefully select the right keyword phrases.
My assumption is that what the poor misinformed guys did was that they just wrote a couple of articles and posted them all over the place in some article directories expecting some miracles, which obviously never came. What frustrated them even more is when they go further end up spending a lot of their time re-posting the same articles in dozens of different article directories (I usually post my articles in only ONE article directory and duplicate content concerns is only one of the many reasons why I do this). The amateur ghostwriters who get involved in this kind of useless activity hardly have any SEO skills. So what would you honestly expect?
The truth is that any ghostwriter with adequate SEO skills is the most effective and yet cheapest route to getting tons of high targeted traffic for any website or blog for years to come. It is also the short cut to high affiliate revenues from programs like the popular Google Adsense program amongst others.
To be very honest with you, I often wonder why it has taken so long for folks to realize what is going on here. I do not use any other form of marketing and promotion for my online businesses other than SEO articles. Most readers will know that I have no day job and earn a living only from my online enterprises.
The greatest proof that I know what I am saying and that what I do works is the fact that you are here reading this article.
Just dream for a moment of placing a small web advertisement now and then forgetting about it even as it continues to give you a huge steady response for many years to come. This is exactly what a useful SEO ghostwritten promotional article will do for you and your site. If you do a little calculation you will realize that whatever you end up paying for that article, as you continue to attract clicks and targeted traffic the cost per hit will usually quickly dwindle up to a point where you will have regained your entire investment and will be receiving highly profitable targeted traffic for free.
Besides the traffic you receive in this way will be made up of mostly red-hot leads. Pre-selling whatever it is that you have on offer on your site will mean that a significant percentage of readers will arrive there ready to buy. Any experienced seo ghostwriter can generate the kind of promotional articles that will keep the cash till at your site ringing like crazy. (Continued)
Use this experienced SEO ghostwriter to generate traffic to your site at a cost that is much lower than you think (which you will recover anyway). Check out my seo ghostwriter rates NOW.
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Saturday, September 29, 2007
SEO Ghostwriter - Get Lots Of Free Traffic For Years
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6:21 PM
SEO - Do It The Right Way
By Guido Nussbaum
There is a lot of information about search engine optimization (SEO) going around online and not everything what people tell you is true. There are e-book authors out there who tell their readers not to include any meta tags in their websites. They say that search engines don't read the meta tags these days. Do not believe these things read this article to get a real picture about SEO.
The right keywords
Before you can start with search engine optimization, you need to know for what keyword you are going to optimize your website. Finding the right keywords is the first step to take and also the most important one. If you choose the wrong keywords, then you will have a hard time getting into the top 10 search results. You need to find keywords with very low competition so that you can reach a top 10 position even with little back-links.
When you are searching for the right keywords make sure they have less than 100.000 competing websites on Google. You can get this number by doing a simple search on Google. With the results they also show the number of results. The lower the number, the better for you to get a top 10 ranking. The figure you need to care about is the number of monthly searches for your keywords. Make sure you use keywords that people are actually searching for. You can use several tools to get the number of monthly searches, for example the overture tool or the wordtracker tool.
Onpage Optimization
Nobody knows the algorithm of the google search engine, so nobody can tell you for sure how exactly your website has to look like. Only through a lot of testing and tracking you can get a hint on what you need to change on your website to get a better ranking. There are still some basic things that you want to look at:
- The Website Title (in the header section of your html source code) should have your keyword included. It should not be longer than 10 words.
- The Meta Description is used to display the search results, even at google. That's why a good meta description is very important!
- The Meta Keywords are not that important but you should make sure that your keywords are included. Don't include keywords that can not be found in your body text and do not practice any keyword stuffing methods.
- The Body Text. Google doesn't look much at your keyword density but they look if your keyword is included. That means use your keywords throughout the text where it makes sense but don't worry about having a 1% or 3% keyword density.
- The H1,H2,H3 tags. Search engines love structured documents, so they also love the headline tags. Use your keywords in the h1,h2 and h3 tags but don't do any keyword stuffing.
- Image alt tags are very important if you do not have much text on your website but can also help to increase your ranking if you have much text. Use keywords in the alt tags but again do not use them too often.
These are the most important on-page factors to look at. Of course you need to have a valid html code and a good link-structure but the above points are major important and can boost your ranking when done right. Always remember that you can only get a top 10 ranking by also doing off-page optimization.
Off-Page Optimization
A lot can be done wrong when doing offpage optimization. Google had a major update on his algorithm at the beginning of 2007. Did you remember the google bombs that used to make pages rank for not relevant search terms? Doesn't work anymore since that update! They have also updated their spam detector, a lot of peoples websites dropped in the search results because they used paid advertisements at certain traffic portals and other grey-hat methods. The way to go nowadays is called "natural link building". This means you create links over a very long time period using different methods. If you submit to directories, then submit to 10 directories every day over a period of 100 days. This way it seems as if your links were build naturally by other people.
There are many ways you can get back-links to your website in a natural way. You can:
- provide good content and people will link to you without any effort on your part. This is the most natural and most effective way of link building!
- write articles and distribute them to many different article directories. Your articles get picked up by other people who publish your article at their website with a back-link to your website. This way of building back-links is still very natural and can't be detected by search engines. In the worst case they would not count the links in the article directories or only count them once because of duplicate content.
- do 3-way link exchanges. This means you have 2 different websites on 2 different servers with 2 different ip's. You exchange links with other websites by placing their link on your first website and then place the link of your second website on their website. This way you get 1-way links to your second website.
Avoid things like guest-book spamming, ffa sites, link-farms and websites with more than 100 links on the page where your link will be. Finally work on building links every day over a period of at least 100 days. This way you ensure a continues growth of your link-popularity.
In case you need a guide on how to go from 0 to 12.000 $ monthly, have a look here: Honest Riches
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6:21 PM
The Dark Side of SEO: Black Hat SEO
By Jeff Casmer Platinum Quality Author
Search engines are not infallible. We have all, at some point in our searching lives, found a link on the web that seemed interesting or helpful but when clicked were disappointed to find that the destination page was rubbish. Not only is it frustrating but a complete waste of time.
To receive a good ranking, some web page designers use spamdexing or as we like to call it black hat seo. Spamdexing or black hat seo techniques are the use of various methods to deliberately manipulate HTML pages to artificially increase their positioning on the search engines results page.
Everyone has been a victim of spamdexing or black hat seo. From the student who is doing research for their Shakespearean essay, to the small business owner trying to produce content for their niche related site, even the minds behind the search engines are annoyed to say the least.
Spamdexing takes advantage of search engines by completely ignoring respectable forms of search engine optimization. Spamdexers use a variety of techniques to make sure their websites are displayed in the fertile first two pages of search results; in many cases the pages are irrelevant and even incomprehensible. Spamdexing includes the following techniques.
Keyword Stuffing:
This involves the practice of overusing a word to increase the keyword frequency on a page. Most modern search engines now have the ability to analyze whether the frequency is above normal level.
Hidden or Invisible Links:
When a webmaster creates multiple sites on the same or similar topic and links them all together through invisible links. The multiple sites may or may not have unique content, in most cases they do not.
Hidden Text:
Putting text (usually keywords) where visitors will not see them to increase a page’s keyword relevancy. This is commonly done by making some text the same as the background color of the page ie. White words on a white background.
Meta tag Stuffing:
Repeating keywords in the Meta tags more than once and/or using keywords that are unrelated to the site’s content.
Link Spamming:
Google considers page rank through link analysis, the more web pages that link to your website the higher the ranking. Some webmasters may create multiple websites at different domain names that all link to one another. This is the worst form of back hat seo techniques.
This technique involves showing visitors and search engines different versions of a page.
Each of the above methods is a form of spamdexing or black hat seo, and will get webmasters who put them to use banned from the search engine. Google has taken an active role to combat against spamdexing. From January 25, 2005 it went after websites that specialized in Google bombing.
Jeff Casmer is an internet marketing consultant and work at home business owner. For more information on search engines optimization please visit his "Top Ranked" Best Search Engine Optimization Products Directory gives you all the information you need to Earn Money Working Online in the 21st century.
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6:20 PM
Tips To Make Text Link Ads Pay Off
By Jeff Alderson Platinum Quality Author
Some web publishers are perfectly thrilled to gain a little cash for their work. Others, however, really want to boost their profits. Should you be in the latter group, you're most certainly not on your own. One of the many ways to make this happen includes using Text Link Ads on a blog or website. This is a fantastic way to go, but some effort needs to be in the mix to make this option pay out well.
The Text Link Ads company is a well-known one that offers publishers and advertisers a place to meet to buy and sell ads. The TLA affiliate program is one that can pay out extremely well for those who can make it work. Publishers who sign up for the program get $25 for each successful referral they make to other advertisers or publishers. If you're the publisher, you get paid the $25 when another publisher signs up and puts ad scripts up for at least a week. The program also rewards referring publishers when a new advertiser buys a link. Payments from TLA are steady. They come once a month in the mail or through PayPal.
While this sounds really easy, and it can be, the reality is publishers often have to work the program to their advantage to see real rewards. The trick involves the strategy that's used to get your visitors to click through and sign up. Sending readers to TLA isn't enough. They actually have to use the site's services for you to earn any money.
A popular way to increase click through rates and earning potential is to ensure TLA ads have good placement on your site. Making sure these ads are visible is vital. It's also not a bad idea to include a second link with your referral information on the same page as the box ad. Duplication is not a bad thing in this case.
Better ad placement is, of course, important, but there are other steps that can be taken to increase earning chances. Targeting the right visitors for conversions can also be important. Since publishers must sign up, gain approval and then run the ad script for the set number of day, they very likely should not be your focus. Target the advertisers instead.
There are a host of things you can do to increase the actual commissions. They fall into three major categories: ad placement, overcoming the "invisible" banner and self-promotion.
If the TLA affiliate program is going to be successful, people have to see the ads. There are some great ideas to help make them stand out. They include including TLA text links or even banners following each blog post or website article, making sure ads appear in the top of the page, making sure the ads are linked in the site's "links" section and rotating ads. It can also help to have friends, family members, co-workers and acquaintances review ad placement and give their input on what catches their eyes. Creating special TLA landing pages can be rather helpful, too.
Compensating for web surfers' noted ad blindness is another issue that will need to be overcome. Some site owners create personalized banners that include statements about earning potentials and not the direct TLA information. These ads link to TLA's pages directly or to an onsite presell page instead. Adding a recommendations page with TLA's information and other affiliate programs can be useful, as well.
Promoting your TLA affiliation program can also be rather beneficial. Ways to do this include buying forum signatures with the link included, leveraging Adwords to send people to your presell page, buying blot posts that direct people to the presell page and even sponsoring eZines and other similar publications with the affiliate link included.
Promotions alone can drive in traffic, but other steps might be necessary to increase conversion rates. Some of the better ideas here include running contests for those who sign up for TLA using your affiliate links, giving some form of cash back for each person who signs up or even providing free advertising via links on your site. The ideas here are many. Creativity can really pay off.
The TLA affiliate program can be a rather lucrative one if it's worked correctly. Taking the time to tweak your site, promote your affiliation and entice readers to act can really help.
Jeff Alderson is a Florida based software developer. He is an expert on search engine marketing. To boost profits, Jeff recommends using a keyword analyzer to find targeted keywords
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6:19 PM
SEO Techniques That Really Works (Secret SEO Tips)
By Ashly David
First of before going deep in to seo I will only show you some seo tips when it comes to link building that is offsite optimization in seo. I will not show you on site optimization seo here because onsite optimization in seo is very less effective in ranking in search engines but depends on keyword you select in seo.
You can find free seo tools (more than 50 free seo tools) that helps you to optimize web pages and get links. Just visit my web site by following link at the end of the article for all free seo tools
Proper SEO strategies
1. You can ask your visitors for referrals with a "Tell A Friend" feature. You can find free "Tell A Friend" scripts on the internet, this will enhance your reputation while increasing traffic while increase in seo ranking with more link added to your site.
2. Distribute an brandable e book or special report, this is a good seo technique. You might find free trail software in internet.
3. Submit your free e book or special your report to directories for more seo expose.
4. Submit to free directories with in appropriate category. Search keyword as “free directory list” to find free directories.
5. Submit to free article directories with in appropriate category. Search keyword as “free article directory list” to find free article directories.
Proper Seo link building strategies
1. Get links from related but non-competitive sites.
2. Have different anchor text (related and different) in the links
3. Try to get links from high PR pages for optimal seo rankings
4. Submit to directories (most are free) but get links from other web site also
5. Get links with different title text in the title from other sites
6. Find authority sites of your niche and get links from them also
7. Submit your e book to e book directories
8. Write different articles with variation(at least 50% differ from original) and submit to article directories.
9. Release a press release by using a press release company(on line).
10. Get links from different PR and different IP addresses sites for optimal seo rankings
11. Make sure inbound links point to internal pages as well as your home page(Deep Linking) for optimal seo rankings
12. Do not try to get temporary links for optimal ranking in seo
13. Not come from pages that links to bad neighborhood
For more information visit following web site
Provides Different Types of Free seo tools Help Guides for all types of seo
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6:11 PM
SEO Myths Dispelled - Flash
By Nick Yorchak
By now, everyone has visited a website that utilizes Flash multimedia within its design. Since 1996, the use of Flash has grown in popularity thanks to its ability to add animation and interactivity to websites.
More recently, Flash has become an essential component in the prolific distribution of intrusive "pop-ups," or web-based advertisements. Flash also grants designers the ability to integrate video into web pages, and this has led many within the Web 2.0 space to use Flash to develop rich Internet applications. Many companies, including my own, Denver based Fusionbox, offer streaming Flash Video Solutions to clients in need of online video.
And while the inclusion of Flash into websites no doubt enriches the user experience rendering it that much "flashier," search engine optimizers (SEOs) have long been wary of the use of Flash due to the fact that it's supposedly un-indexable by the search engines. Key word here: supposedly.
As we all know, the search engine game changes daily. If it stayed the same, it wouldn't be called a game. The inherent beauty of it is that no one knows everything. Instead, all just players who know something, and we're all practicing as we try to learn more to catch up with all the developments taking place. One such development is the evolution of Flash and the impact it has had on the science of search.
Back in day, Flash files were not indexable by search engines because the content was hidden from the spider's digital eyes. The implications of this fact were dire from an SEO standpoint. It was no secret. Invisible content did not boost search engine rank or positioning. If anything, it held quality sites back because Google was blind to content found within Flash files, mistakenly convinced that there was no content at all.
Still, many web designers stuck to Flash (despite our SEO driven pleas) after falling in love with the allure of its interactivity and the attractive design capabilities it offered.
In those days, designers were confronted with a difficult choice. Give up on Flash in order to achieve better search engine rankings, or preserve the design and watch site rankings stagnate or plummet. Flash then, became a visually beautiful application that was literally empty beneath the surface, until now that is.
Today, Flash has changed dramatically from what it once was. The choice that once plagued designers is now extinct. Macromedia, the company responsible for creating Flash, now offers a product known as the Flash Search Engine SDK (Software Development Kit) that includes an application known as "swf2html." This application extracts both links and text from Flash files (.swf), returning the data in HTML form. This allows Google and other search engines to "see" the Flash content that was formerly invisible.
Even with this development, the extracted text is nothing that appeals to the artistic sensibility. Yet despite its uninviting and often disfigured appearance, this text represents valuable content that facilitates
I came across a great comparison of a Flash file and its extracted HTML text when researching this article, and I've included links below so you can see for yourself how this works.
Example of Flash file:
Example of extracted text:
Having seen this example, you're probably wondering, "How do I know if my Flash content is visible to search engines?" Luckily for you, a simple test exists which can show you how much of the text in your Flash presentation is extractable by the Google bots.
Begin by performing an "exact search" (bound within quotes) using the Flash filetype operator (.swf) on a piece of text at the top of the HTML output generated by Macromedia's tool. Then perform the same test against text in the middle and at the bottom, comparing results to see exactly how much of your content is visible to Google.
Another way this problem has been alleviated is through the use of Flash CS3. Users can publish Flash CS3 with meta tags (meta descriptions, keywords, and more) that are then able to index individual Flash movie content. Links are also indexable, and from an SEO standpoint, that's great news.
Furthermore, with the implementation of XML and other external scripting languages (PHP and others) Flash can now run web sites at even greater speeds than their graphic-laden counterparts.
We've seen that although the popular misconception still exists that Flash content cannot be indexed properly by the search engines, the problem is not yet entirely solved. Rather, it's only been partially alleviated.
You've still got to watch out for a problem that might be encountered by Flash presentations which use dynamic content pulled from a database, XML file, or other related source generated through user input. This type of content is not part of the XML file itself and thus is not indexable by Google and other search engines.
Caution must also be exercised in the case of certain types of motion in which the Flash movie creates an extracted output that contains duplicated content. Another SEO issue to avoid.
Armed with this knowledge, you can now begin to test your Flash presentations for search engine index ability and friendliness. Yet keep these unresolved issues in mind or you may hurt your website positioning more than you help it.
In conclusion, many of you are probably wondering what the future of Flash has in store. We can anticipate Flash becoming the primary provider of the presentation interface in handheld devices.
Numerous sources claim that Adobe (Macromedia's parent company) is aggressively chasing cellular phone and PDA vendors, hoping to create partnerships that will allow them to deploy "Flash Lite" as the user interface on those type of products.
Interestingly, the next version of Flash will have two new features designed to ensure online advertising gets noticed.
The first will require that users watch an ad (in full) prior to viewing the main video, which could make online video sites a lot less user-friendly if we're forced to watch an ad in its entirety.
The second feature is the addition of DRM, which will give companies the option and ability to link an ad to content, essentially ensuring that both are played and not modified.
As you can see, the evolution of Flash changed the online marketing space and will continue to do so. All indications seem to hint that Flash's major influence will transform the domain of search, facilitate the development of custom web-based software and rich applications, and create user-brand interaction on a level never before seen online.
We as Internet marketers must always be "on," at the ready to connect with customers across multiple platforms on theirterms, not ours. As video becomes more and more the preferred method and focal point of strategic web-based marketing message distribution, we need to continue to "play" the game and stay one step ahead of the trends. Give customers the opportunity to choose you by positioning yourself where potential consumers of online media (video especially) already spend their time online.
The world becomes more and more a digital place everyday, and as the Internet evolves new opportunities to reach and influence consumers present themselves. Just make sure you're ready when such chances present themselves, or you've missed the boat entirely.
Nick Yorchak is an SEO expert and Search Engine Marketing Specialist at Fusionbox, a full-service Denver Internet marketing, web design, and web development firm that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) services He can be reached at his Fusionbox email ( or at (720)956-1083.
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6:09 PM
Targeted SEO - 8 Quick but Effective SEO Tips at a Glance
By Sean R Mize Platinum Quality Author
With the help of search engine optimization, or SEO for short, your website can earn a lot of money for you. SEO offers a lot of techniques to boost the quality traffic that gets driven to your website. With more quality traffic, the more sales you can make, or the more paid ad clicks you can get. Whether your online business is product-based or sponsor-based, your website stands to earn a lot through SEO.
For your convenience, here are 8 quick ways to give your income from your website its needed boost:
1.) Nothing beats high quality content if you want to optimize your website for search engines. There is no shortcut to this, and even if there is, it's not advisable to skimp on this step.
2.) Hot keywords always change, so make sure you have the best tools to keep track of the popularity of certain keywords right now. Yes, in SEO, there is no time such as now.
3.) Increase your backlinks as much as you can. If you have quality content, this will come naturally, but you can speed up the process by promoting your website in blogs, forums, and discussion boards. You can also exchange links, preferably with bigger websites.
4.) Use keywords in your content paired with an appropriate keyword density. A density of 3% to 5% is fine. Don't overdo it too much (like going for 15%) because Google doesn't like it when entrepreneurs push their luck too hard.
5.) It goes without saying that you need to submit your website to search engines if you want to get it ranked. Your website won't get much ahead if you just wait for it to be crawled over. You need to take the initiative.
6.) Take advantage of directories by submitting your site to them. Doing so will increase your site's visibility and exposure to another set of visitors. Who says you can only rely on search engines to get people to visit your site?
7.) Provide RSS feeds to your visitors who like to syndicate the contents of their favorite websites in their site. If they post a link of your website's feeds, they are, in effect, posting a back link to your website. It's a win-win situation for both of you.
8.) The internet is a dynamic environment, so always keep you up to date with any changes in trends. If there's a new SEO technique, be sure to be among the first who know about it.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.
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6:09 PM
Fast SEO - 5 Swift Steps to Generate More Money Through Search Engine Optimization
By Sean R Mize Platinum Quality Author
Want to know the quick steps to search engine optimization? Understanding the online world may be quite difficult for a beginner but the truth is, it is very easy to start with. If you already have a business online, you must focus on how to rank high in search engines. With the so many other businesses out there, you should know the secrets on how to jump start your way and get SEO fast! All you need is a computer and an internet connection.
1. Target the most popular search engine sites and submit to them while you can. The most widely known sites are Yahoo, Google and MSN. Get a domain name for your site and start advertising and increasing your traffic.
2. Make sure you have an appealing site. Anyone would bother looking or reading a content which has a boring and very static page, right? The web page should include pictures, videos or backgrounds which truly add color to your page. Just make sure that it is proportioned enough.
3. Remember to keep everything in moderation. In this way, people will notice your page and view it as simple yet elegant-looking. Once you get a nice web page it is time that you focus on the article’s content. It does not matter how long it will be.
4. The titles should contain the primary keywords and the secondary keywords can be mentioned in the later part of the article. Advertising play a very great role in determining the success of your company.
5. Try to know what the customers need and what your competitors lack. Make them feel present by immediately responding to their queries and other useful information. You can also buy little advertisement spaces in order to have a greater possibility. You can create a blog or if not, you can resort to press release writing.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.
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6:08 PM
Quick SEO - 7 Surefire Steps to SEO
By Sean R Mize Platinum Quality Author
Search Engine Optimization is a broad subject and it involves other things such as content. If you are a business man you must know how to achieve profitable Search Engine Rankings in order to boost your sales and have optimized advertisement. Here are some keys you should consider going about when you are interested in getting your sales up to the counter.
1. The first step is getting through the registration. Make sure you have registered in popular search engine sites such as Google, Yahoo and MSN. In this way, you would not have a hard time when you get live on track. You are sure get noticed when you work your way through these sites.
2. Choose the right keywords. When you write, you must use the good primary keywords because this will greatly affect your search engine rankings. Know what the common people use when they are searching. By picking the right keywords you are sure to get your target customers in no time.
3. Create catchy titles. Some people only base on titles before actually reading the content. This is why you should be able to catch your reader’s attention without being too exaggerated. Remember to insert the primary keyword in the title to attain search engine optimization.
4. Limit your keyword use. Make sure it is about 4% concentration only.
5. Make sure that your article content is readable enough and easily understood. Having an appealing title is not all that. The content should also compensate the title and get the reader’s interest as well. Use a simple language. Be sure to double check on the articles before you submit it. There should be no grammatical errors or else your customer’s might get turned off.
6. Get little ad spaces or promote your site by getting links with other web sites.
7. Be patient enough. The process may not come out the way you want it to be but it will come sooner or later.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.
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5:49 PM
How to Make Your Website Search-Engine Friendly
By Erin Ferree Platinum Quality Author
One of your ultimate goals when creating your small business website will be to ensure that the website can be found by clients and prospects using Internet search engines (for example, Google, Yahoo!, and so forth). But there's not a lot of understandable information available about what the average small business owner can do to improve the number of search engine "hits" their websites get. So, here are some tips that you can use to improve your site's ranking:
- Site coding language: The content of your website should be coded in HTML so that the search engines can read it. If you create your site in Flash or include PDF documents on it, then the search engines won't be able to see the text-which means that they won't understand what your site is about.
- Keywords: When planning your site, consider the words and phrases that your prospects are most likely to use when running a text search for your products or services. In many cases, it will be easiest for a small business to optimize for a keyword phrase instead of a single keyword. Most keywords are used to frequently by too many sites for you to easily rank well. And most serious prospects search using keyword phrases. Instead of optimizing for "psychotherapist", for example, you will have more success optimizing for "San Francisco psychotherapist".
- Headlines: The headlines on a website are one of the most effective places to put your keyword phrases. Make sure that your headlines are coded using "H1" headline tags in HTML, not images. This will limit the fonts that are available to stylize the headlines, but the sacrifice is well worth it in exchange for the results that you'll get.
- Title tags: Title tags control the text that is displayed at the very top of the web browser itself. A lot of websites just have the company name or the name of the page you're on up there-but I suggest placing your keywords and keyword phrases up there.
- META keyword tags: These tags are no longer used for rankings by search engines. In fact, their current main use is for your competition to spy on you-they can view the source code of your site to discover the keywords that you're optimizing for! However, the META description tags are still used-and they are essential to your search engine strategy. The search engines display those in the search results.
- Website copywriting: When you write the text for your website, make sure to repeat your keywords a few times in the body copy, and use them in the headlines. Don't use them so much that it the writing sounds unnatural to someone reading your site, but do try to use them a couple of times per page. You can include a keyword phrase on an average page about three times without looking silly.
- Valuable content: If you make your site information-rich, then the search engines will have more content to index. And if you're writing articles, posting tips, or adding information to your site about your area of expertise, there's a good chance that it will be full of keywords, which will help your ranking.
If your website includes these basics, you'll have a head start on getting a good ranking from Internet search engines. As more people find your website, you'll have a greater pool of interested leads to work from. Since these people found you with their own search, then there's a good chance that they're on their way to becoming a qualified prospect. A good search engine strategy paired with a strong website can convert those prospects to sales for you!
Erin Ferree is a brand identity designer who creates big visibility for small businesses. As the owner of elf design, Erin is passionate about helping her clients stand out in front of their competition and attract more clients. One of the best ways to do that is with Search Engine Optimization, which you can learn about in her eLearning product, Raise Your Ranking, which is available at
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5:48 PM
Boost Your Google Ranking
By Malcolm Lambe
The title is vitally important to how Google and the other search engines rank you. It's probably the single most important part of a webpage. But it's often neglected or badly-worded. I'm as guilty of this as the next guy. I come from a magazine-writing and radio copy-writing background. I love the doublé entendre and the wacky headline. I saw one yesterday in The Sydney Morning Herald, as it happens. Heading a story on a so-called Millionaire who became a Buddhist monk and was busted several times for growing and supplying hydroponic pot.
The Sub-Editor had a lot of fun with this story by heading it Felonious Monk (From Thelonious Monk the jazz musician). But while that's pretty slick for a newspaper, it's not much good as a heading for an online story. Why? Because they are bad keywords. Nobody's going to Google Felonious Monk are they? They might Google Monk Growing Pot or something like that but never the other. So the Title is a chance for you to throw up your keywords - your powerful keywords that you've already researched after using a free keyword tool (you'll find one on my Wallyworld site) - throw them up in your Title Tag as its called in HTML and attract Google and the other Search Engines interest (and build backlinks).
The page title should include only your main keywords. The least amount of words you can place in the title, the more weight Google will give to each of the keywords and the higher you will rank. Keep it mean and lean. Cut out the unnecessary words like "How", "You Can", "Get", "Become" - old style copywriting frills like that and go for the jugular - even ditch conjunctions like "and" and "to" if you can. Google doesn't care about the style - it just wants the nitty-gritty. I could have headed this story something wordy like How to Boost Your Google Rankings and Increase your Adsense Earnings at the Same Time with a Few Simple Tips Using this FREE Tool. But Google would probably just pick up on the Boost Your Google Rankings part anyway.
Add h1 Header Tags
Now we need to add a h1 header tag and put at least one of our strong keywords there.
Put the h1 header tag as far up the top of the page as possible. When Google reads a webpage, it views the text from the top left hand side of the page to the bottom right hand side of the page. The header tag is a title for the content you have on your page.
For example, the h1 header tag of this page might be:
"Adding Killer Keywords to Your Titles Can Really Boost Your Google Rankings!"
Add h2 header tags
An h2 header tag is kinda like a sub heading for your webpage where you can put more keywords. And it should be placed somewhere towards the top half of your webpage.
Get it? Use your main keyword in your h1 tags and your secondary keyword into the h2 tags.
Make Use of alt image tags
Next, click on the very top image of your webpage (This is usually your website's header graphic) and include an alt image tag using the text "Boost Your Google rankings" if you're adding this alt text to your website header graphic. Click on 2 more graphics throughout your webpage and enter your other 2 keywords, plus an extra word like "graphic" or "image"... For example, we would use "adding killer keyword titles graphic" and "keywords to Boost Your Google Rankings image". This ensures that Google won't view this as spam.
A Germany company SISTRIX recently conducted a study of 10,000 random keywords and analysed of the top 100 Google results for each. And here's what they found -
Keywords in the title tag are important as well as in the body of the text but title tag keywords carry far more weight.
Keywords in H2-H6 tags can influence your rankings while keywords in H1 tags do not appear to have much effect.
Keywords in bold or strong tags can positively impact your rankings.
Keywords in image file names and image alt attributes also improved a site’s rankings.
Keywords in the domain name often ranked higher.
Inbound links and PageRank value had a significant impact on rankings.
Two Final Tips: If you want to get your new blog or site listed quickly on Google just get another site with a PageRank of at least 5 to link to you. And don't forget to put your main keywords at the very top left and then at the very bottom right hand side of the webpage. And Boost Your Google Rankings.
Malcolm Lambe is an Australian Blogger based in Paris and trying to make a living online. His main site is Welcome to Wallyworld
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5:47 PM
25 Tips to Increase Conversion Rates
By Fred Townes
Site owners spend so much time and money on search engine optimization that they often leave conversion optimization to chance. They're happy with a 1% - 2% conversion rate, the typical rate for smaller sites. Converting visitors to buyers is part science, part art. No one formula fits all sites but here are 25 tips that will boost conversion rates on most
1. Keep it simple. The simpler it is for visitors to complete a purchase the more purchases (and fewer shopping cart abandonments) you'll see. Make it simple to find the product and go through the checkout process.
2. Provide complete contact information including a telephone number. Buyers want to know you're real and they want to know how to reach you in case of a problem.
3. Provide encouragement throughout the checkout process. The best way to do this is to let buyers know what stage of checkout they've reached, and to provide them with highlighted signage to let them know what to do next.
4. Use product pictures in shopping carts. This reminds visitors what's in their carts. It also reinforces, in the visitor's mind, the reason(s) for the purchase.
5. Link back to the product page. After an item has been placed in the shopping cart, the visitor should be able to click on the item and be directed back to the product page in a new window for example. This makes buying comparisons easier and ensures the visitor has the right item for his/her needs without leaving the shopping cart.
6. Don't keep shipping costs a secret. Nothing kills a conversion faster than a $19.95 shipping and handling charge on a $10 item. Provide shipping cost information on the first page of the checkout.
7. Is it backordered? The visitor finally reaches the end of the checkout only to discover that the item isn't in stock. Do you think they'll come back when the item comes in? They won't.
8. Provide complete product information including sizes, colors, styles and other product descriptors. This will cut down on product returns because buyers will know what they're actually purchasing. Avoid hyping products for the same reason.
9. Keep terms of service (TOS) simple and unambiguous. What's your guarantee? What's your return policy? Eliminate the boilerplate and give them the facts.
10. Provide a menu of payment gateways. Not all buyers want to pay by credit card. Some don't even have a credit card. Buyers should be given the option to pay by debit card, personal check (snail mail), PayPal and other similar services, bank transfer and, if the want to stop by to pick it up, you'll even take cash.
11. Never blame the buyer. When a potential buyer clicks on the wrong link, or forgets to enter all data fields, put up a message explaining the problem and how to fix it. The customer is always right and it's always your fault. Period.
12. Offer gift cards. Some buyers just don't know what to buy as a gift. A gift card solves the problem.
13. Use real testimonials. If you're doing it right, you've gotten good feedback from some buyers. Ask permission to use their testimonials. Don't use fake testimonials signed by Diane E., California. It's an obvious fake testimonial.
14. Provide a customer service line. Outsource it if it isn't part of the budget but buyers want to know there's help in setting it up, whatever "it" is.
15. Avoid distracting links. If your home page is crammed with PPC ads and links to other sites, it's distracting and you'll see a lot more bounces (visitors who never get past the home page).
16. Offer incentives. Free shipping encourages buyers. So do upgrades, i.e. "Spend at least $50 and receive 10% off your entire purchase." Some buyers will do the math and figure out they're getting something for half price.
17. Welcome repeat visitors by name. Your customer data base is filled with solid gold information including names, purchase amounts, items purchased and so on. First, welcome a return buyer by name. Then, offer suggestions for purchase based on individual buying histories. (See for examples of using data base information to boost conversion ratios.)
18. Provide a currency converter. Not all buyers will be using your country's currency. Make it easy to convert from euros to drachmas to dollars.
19. Offer a free newsletter. Your regular buyers will appreciate it when they're notified ahead of time of upcoming specials, new product launches and other site related information.
20. Add a forum. This is a great way for buyers to share information, make recommendations and complain. It's also a great way for you to handle complaints quickly, with the resolution posted right there on the complaint thread.
21. Provide informational content on your site. This establishes your credentials and credibility as an authority, whether you're selling kayaks or bake ware.
22. Learn from your competitors. Visit the sites of more-established competitors to see what they're doing to convert. How is the homepage designed? Navigation? Checkout? You can't copyright an idea so you might as well "borrow" from the best.
23. Improve site stickiness. In other words, give buyers a reason to return. Some suggestions? The Sale of the Day, Tip of the Day, Your Horoscope, This Day in History, etc. This keeps your site green and visitors returning.
24. Let buyers post product reviews. Nothing sells better than a positive review from another buyer. Of course, the converse is true, too. Nothing will kill a sale faster than a bad review. And if a product receives lots of bad reviews, drop it from your product line.
25. Target your site's skin to your demographic. If you're selling collectible knives, your site should have a certain "look" and that look doesn't include pastels and prissy type. Big, bold and manly — that's the way to go. On the other hand, if you're selling needlepoint patterns, a nice pastel background with little flowers works perfectly.
Search engine optimization is designed to attract search engine spiders. It's also intended to ensure that your site is accurately and completely optimized. But, once traffic arrives on site, conversion optimization takes over.
Keep it simple. Keep it easy. Keep it honest. Not only will you see a boost in conversion ratio, you'll also see a nice pop in return buyers. And they're the best buyers any web site owner could ask for.
About the Author:
Frederick Townes is the owner of W3 EDGE, a Boston-based web design company. W3 EDGE focuses on creating a high converting rate for your business. While getting your website found through high rankings is important, having a website that converts is the key to your success online. W3 EDGE undertands that and focuses their energy on presenting your message in a way that the search engines, AND THE VISITORS will enjoy.
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5:46 PM
Profitable SEO - 3 Tips on Getting Started With SEO
By Sean R Mize Platinum Quality Author
One of the most challenging things for webmasters to do is to learn and understand how to optimize the search engine results of their site. A lot of times, when they attempt to get good results in search engine optimization, they end up realizing how difficult it really is to achieve such. But learning and understanding SEO is something that is not new to all. In fact, search engine optimization has been in place and has co-existed witht the evolution of the Internet. This means that the techniques on how to do Search engine optimization are just around the corner waiting to be utilized. Below are just some of them:
a. When you desire to get an optimized search engine result, then it is high time that you re-focus your attention. In search engine optimization, you do not focus on the sales that you can generate. You have to focus on how your targeted clients will be satisfied with the contents that you delivering to them. You have to make sure that they get satisfaction in all means and by all means.
b. It is not a bad idea to continuously be in search of the new methods and ways on how you can actually speed up the optimization of search engine results. After all, the Internet continues to evolve and so are the mechanisms that go with it. Be bound to learn and learn fast. When you something innovative techniques along your progressive learning, do not be afraid to experiment on that and apply those on your own.
c. Engage in some non-charging, community works on the net. This is an extra mile for you to gain visibility in a wider sense. After all, it is not a bad idea to give back your glorious days to the community who supported you and your site.
Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, ‘Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide‘
Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion
Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published eBooks.
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5:45 PM
SEO Marketing Software Tools
By Stephen Ahlfeld
I'm sure that most people will agree that trying to get a good amount of web traffic to a website can be difficult without the right knowledge. So the question at stake is, how does one obtain high rankings for their particular website and what does it entail. The answer is link building and good website optimization. Lets take a look below at the most common ways of building backlinks and other website SEO techniques that can help your website to obtain the ranking it deserves.
Link building methods:
1. Submission to directories: This is without a doubt the most effective and known method of building a high amount of backlinks to your website. The submission of your website to search engine friendly directories and related categories can increase the ranking of their website over time. It is very important to alternate up to 3 different titles and descriptions when upon submission of your website to directories for reasons related to SEO. It may take a while for submissions to be approved but this link building method is essential.
2. Submission to article directories: Going about writing quality articles with good content and submitting them to high traffic article directories, it can help you obtain adequate amounts of traffic from the search engines and also help build quality backlinks. Be sure to include a link to your website in the resource box making use of anchor text for a competitive keyword in your niche. You may even find that if other websites in your niche find your article, they might just publish it on their website thereby giving you even more exposure and traffic.
3. Forum and Blog posting: These two types of buildinglinks can also be effective but the majority of people just end up spamming particular forums and blogs for the sole purpose of trying to aquire highly targeted traffic. With this being said, don't waste your time submitting commercial based websites in your posts as you will probably get banned. However if you have a blog that advertises a link to a product or service then it will probably be okay, and in that case can effectively help the ranking of your website after time as long as the post is on a forum related to your niche.
4. Link exchanges: Contacting other websites in your niche is also an absolute must which will once again get you good quality backlinks, which can at the end of the day be more worth while than doing a couple of hundred submissions to directories . Take a look around at the many SEO forums which have link exchange rooms and post a quick message. Most times there is usually always a person willing to exchange links.
For more information on top SEO tools please visit the website below.
SEO Software Tools
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5:41 PM
Thursday, September 27, 2007
The 8 Effective Ways To Market Your Site
by: Hala Amiereh
Building a Website is the first step to start a business. However, building it and hoping that the Internet surfers will visit your site is unrealistic. The old saying, build it and they will come does not work for a web site as it exists with millions of other websites on the world wide web. Building a website without marketing it is similar to opening a shop in the middle of now where.
We explore here how to attract visitors to your new site:
1- The best way to drive traffic to your site to have the content that your expected visitors are seeking. Content is king. It will get you eventually to be listed on the free search engines such as Google and Yahoo. You can resort to paid utilities to submit your site to multiple search engines. Try Be careful from the funny submission tools where you will eventually have to buy something from them. Check this site to learn in details about Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) and how they rank sites.
2- If you have a monthly budget to market your site, you can consider the Pay Per Click search engine providers. Depending how much traffic you seek and what target visitors you want to your site, your budget will differ.
3- Make it easy for your first time visitors to recommend the site to their friends and family. Place a button that says “Tell a friend”. This link should start a process by which the visitor can send an email with a quick note to a friend. To get such scripts, check with your hosting provider if they provide such thing in the provided website builder.
4. Disseminate press releases. This might suit large site as it costs from $650 approximately.
5. There are sites that allow Free posting of links to other sites.
6. Start a Blog. Blogs are becoming a powerful marketing tool that can help you generate traffic to your site. In the blog, you have to link to your website. Blogs generate a good ranking sometimes by free search engines such as Yahoo and Google.
7. Participate in forums with subject related to your site. Aoiv spamming others. Subjects such as “have you seen this great site” could generate some leads.
8. Write articles about the subject of your website and submit them to websites accepting author submissions such as Usually, you get links back to your website. If 100 websites publish your article and it contains a link back to your website, then you easily get 100 links from a single article. Remember, Google Free search engine appreciates how many links link back to your site and that ranks you high when someone does a search for the a keyword related to your site’s content.
About The Author
Hala Amiereh Operates site. In this site, she addresses the best ways to make money from websites.
This article was posted on October 02, 2006
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5:44 PM
Benefits Of Directory Submissions
by: Manish Mathukiya
Achieving good search engine visibility has become a necessity for every website today. Hundreds and thousands of businesses compete with one another in order to generate more and more business through their websites. There are many ways by which a website can get high rankings in major search engines. One such important method is directory submission.
Directory submission involves submitting a particular website in general and relevant web directories. Once a website is submitted it takes anywhere between 1 day to 3 months for the website link to be added into the directory. Some of the popular web directories includes, Yahoo directory etc. Each directory organizes its contents by categories where all the related websites get listed. To ensure that your site gets added into the directory, one must submit it in the most appropriate category otherwise it can be rejected.
A website once listed gets a one way link from the directory. This free link helps the listed site in a lot of ways. Firstly, it provides a way for search engine spiders (also known as crawlers) to find the website and index it in their own database. As soon as a site is hosted, it must be submitted in web directories so that search engine robots can crawl it. Since these robots visit directories more often than other sites, probability remains high that your site will be indexed soon. You as the owner of the site does not have to submit your site to search engines, instead they themselves come and find your site. Thus, it helps in saving a webmaster’s time. Indexing is crucial for every website that wish to achieve high rankings since it’s the first step for any site to ensure visibility in search engines.
Secondly, a directory placement provides the extra benefit of getting relevant traffic to your website. Since people who are actively looking for new websites and portals often visit these web directories, chances remain high that such people may also visit your site and thus provide your site free traffic. This traffic is important since it’s highly pertinent. These people might also turn out to be your customers, which will boost your sales in the long run.
The most significant benefit of directory submission is increasing your link popularity, which simply is a measure of the quality and quantity of incoming links to your site. Search engines like Google, yahoo and msn provides a lot of importance to links while evaluating the rankings of a site for a particular keyword. Google for example takes into account the PR (Page Rank) of the page along with the anchor text of the link while deciding the rankings for a keyword. Gaining incoming links from high PR directories is considered an essential activity of search engine optimization (SEO).
In essence, directory submission is a central part of any SEO effort. Without submitting a site in relevant directories, one cannot hope to garner high rankings in search engines. Thus, one must definitely go for directory submissions since the time and effort is worth it.
About The Author
Manish Mathukiya Offers Directory Submissions ( ) Services. He also offer best quality Article directory submission ( service. He is editor of Oh Search directory ( ).
This article was posted on November 21, 2006
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5:41 PM
More Link Building Resources :: Prase
by: Rob Sullivan
There’s a cool new tool available to help you build links. It is called PRASE and in this article I will explain why it’s good at helping find sites.
Further I’ll look at some of the other features to see if there are other uses for this tool, such as competitive intelligence gathering and deep linking opportunities.
Really, this new tool offers so much more when you begin to look at what it can do. And that’s what I’m writing about today.
So as I was scanning through my ever expanding list of feeds on the industry I came across a post that caught my eye. It was about this new “link building tool” called PRASE. PRASE stands for “Page Rank Assisted Search Engine” and while it is limited to some basic queries now, the people that put it together hope to turn it into a full fledged engine as time goes on.
This tool has the ability to search Google, Yahoo! And MSN together, remove duplicate results and then sort them by Page Rank.
Further, you have some options you can chose before you launch your query. For example, you can specify a Page Rank range you want to search for. Only want to find PageRank 7 to 9 sites? Sure, you can do that. What about finding some of those jewels in the rough. Those sites with High PageRank but are buried in the lower results? Yup you can do that too.
You can tell it to start at result 50 and return listings from there. That way you can maybe find those sites which may be a little easier to get links from.
For example, a “regular” search for just about any term, with the PR range of 0 to 9 will obviously sort by PageRank. And as we all know, it is almost impossible to get a link from anyone above PR6. They just don’t hand out links like that unless they are really willing.
But, if you limit the scope of your search to either lower PageRank sites and/or deeper results who knows what you’ll find.
So, let’s take a look at what PRASE isn’t.
Well, it isn’t a full fledged engine, which means it doesn’t give you the breadth of results you’d see at Google or Yahoo! But don’t let that stop you from bookmarking it and using it on a regular basis (I know it’s already been added to my own MyWeb page).
Now that that is out of the way let’s look at what this gem can really do.
For link building it’s a no brainer. What could be better than searching for site to request links from then having them sorted for you by Page Rank after duplicated have been removed? I was playing with it quite a bit this morning and it’s a very handy tool for doing this.
The reason I like it is, no matter how many people tell you that Page Rank is dead, I’m here to tell you it isn’t. Sure it’s been devalued, but I’m here to say that a link from a PR 8 site will always be worth more than a PR 4 site, especially if the sites are similarly related to yours.
So, that being said, why wouldn’t you want a list, sorted by Page Rank to work off of?
But wait that’s not all. This also shows you the current rank on the engine the listing came from. This is handy to perhaps help determine why one engine felt it was more relevant than the others. You could, with some work, start to figure out why the engines consider some sites important.
In addition, you could use this tool in combination with one like Yahoo Site Explorer to begin to develop a deeper understanding of what goes into some of those links.
For example, let’s say you perform a query and find a high PageRank site that seems to offer little in terms of quality. Using Site Explorer you could then explore this URL to see what its made of. Why does it have that high PageRank? Perhaps it has a few quality links from universities or government site, for example. In any case using a variety of tools one can begin to develop a pretty comprehensive list of links to request in a short time.
This engine accepts the same types of queries as you’d use on other engines: “Link:” “site:” and so on, so don’t be afraid to experiment with it.
I know as time goes on I’ll be using it more and more for so many things from link building, to deep link building to competitive intelligence gathering. Provided this tool stays free, it will be one of many in my regularly used arsenal of tools.
About The Author
Rob Sullivan is a SEO Consultant and Writer for
This article was posted on January 11, 2006
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5:37 PM
Keyword Targeting Strategy In Your Site
by: Vikas Malhotra
Once the keywords have been decided for the site one has to come up with a strategy to target those keywords across the site. Here is a primer on that.
Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word:
Keyword of Single word is useful to attract general audience and helps in getting high rank ,if the web site is new. Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Single word is that they should be more used in the root level pages or top level domain pages. This is because these pages are the ones that attract the general traffic & are generally the pages which do not specify specifics. Hence single word keywords based on themes can be targeted for on these pages.
Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword of Multiple words:
Keyword of Multiple words are useful for attract targeted audience therefore should be used topic wise for each page according to subject of that web page. Relevant set of Keywords should be use in Title tag, Header Tag, Meta tag, Body tag, Alt tag, Anchor tag, Comment tag and in the url (uniform resource locator) of that specific web page. Use underscore or hyphen to differentiate Keywords. These keywords are normally targeted upon in deeper level or sub directory level pages.
Keywords Targeting Strategy for Keyword based on Theme:
Keyword based on theme is useful to attract targeted audience therefore they are strongly recommended to be used. Typically, although it is not a hard and fast rule but in theme based keyword we use general keywords in root level and uses specific keyword in directory level.
Overall one can safely say that in keyword targeting one uses a dart board strategy. Wherein the smallest circle attracts your core audience & hence should have theme oriented multiple word keywords. As we move up on the theme (dartboard) the circle ( traffic) tends to get larger & the keywords tends to get simpler( singular) even though they are theme based.
KEYWORDS and KEYPHRASES usage in Domain Name:
Keywords and keyphrases use in Domain Name & urls of directory pages is also a factor in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) as well as it helps to inform targeted audience, about the sites content . Therefore, special care should be exercised in choosing a domain name. All the search engines start reading each web page with its respective domain name.
Having said that, let me add that there is a raging debate amongst the seo community to determine the exact importance of keywords in the domain name. One camp believes that it is hugely important to have keywords in domain whereas the other maintains that brand building domain name is more important than keywords incorporating one.
Whether keyword is a factor or not is debateble however it has been observed that domain name extensions do definitely play a part in rankings. Search engines ( specially google) have a predilection for sites having extension .gov,.edu,.mil in domain name. Search engines believe that information available at these domains would have a greater likelihood of being authentic as no commercial interest is served here.
Domain Name can be classifieds into two categories:
1. Keyword Specific
2. Brand Name Specific
Keyword Specific Domain Name
When Keywords and Keyphrases are used in a Domain name then its called Keyword specific Domain name.
Keyword in the domain name to my mind has two advantages.
One It is better to have a keyword domain name for it is worth remembering that most of the people link to you using your URL. If your URL has the keyword or the keyphrase then you are automatically using the keyword in the very important anchor tag.
Secondly, though marginally, in a ranking scenario with every other parameter remaining equal, the Keyword Specific Domain Name will enjoy a slight edge over the other web site. However remember Keyword used in Domain name should be primary and generic. Specific keywords can be used in the sub domains. Read about the use of subdomains.
Keywords and Keyphrases uses with hyphen/underscore in Domain name are said to preferred as they are read by search engines as separate words. So the domain name can have a search phrase incorporated into it. However the flip side of it is that domain names with hyphen or underscore are inconvenient to carry.
Brand Name Specific Domain Name
When company or organizations’ name is used in Domain Name to brand it then it’s called as Brand Name Specific Domain name.
Brand Name Specific Domain Name does not help online searches at all. However they are very powerful tools for company identification in the mind of users. In the anonymous online world a brand spells loyalty, trust & value. So if you choose to go for building your brand rather than deep rooted optimization, one way of incorporating keywords is through your directories & pages names.
Keyword Density is a proportion of the searched term ( Keyword or Keyphrase) against the whole words written on a given page. The ideal Keyword Density is 6%-8% though various search engines have various tolerance levels before their spam filters get activated. Higher Keyword Density does help to boost a pages’ ranking.
Keyword Density can be increased by using target keywords repeatedly in Title tag, Header tag, Body tag, Comment tag, Alt tag, Anchor tag, Paragraph Tag , Domain name and in diretory/page names.
However one disadvantage of trying to hike the keyword density is that the visible text on the page starts to look spammy if it is not carefully crafted. That makes for a bad copy.
About The Author
Vikas Malhotra
I'm an eBiz consultant and owner of Mosaic Services- an SEO Company. I regularly write and submit articles on various SE specific topics.
To find more articles, please visit my site
This article was posted on March 01, 2005
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5:34 PM
Major differences in Google, Yahoo and MSN optimization
by: Jonathan Leger
When you decided to build your website you considered, how it will look, and then changed that, you also considered what content you found necessary and then added to that, you looked over it with a fine tooth comb and said okay its ready. But is it really?
You need to be sure your site is SEO optimized, and this basically means that either Google, Yahoo, or even MSN will pull it up on their search pages. Once you get your site to this point there are some serious things you need to do to make sure you get the ranking and hits you need to succeed.
First you need to add your website to the Search Engines databases, this is how your link ends up on the Search Results. You will also want to submit your sitemap to them as well. You then need to find other sites similar to yours or that has relevant information and trade links. You may find that sometimes another site will want to trade links with you even though it has nothing to do with your product, this is fine as long as you agree with their content, all exposure is good exposure.
Make sure you send out some form of email or go to each individual site and make sure the others know when you are up and running. Submit your site to the Open Directory, which is for bringing other languages into one understanding.
Keep you designs and content fresh at all times. Make sure your links are easy to understand and to the point. Keep your site rich and easy to comprehend. Make sure your key words lead to directly to you and that they are relevant words, also keep in mind other words someone might use to look for what you have to offer. Use Text over Images when displaying that important someone. Make sure your title is correct and says exactly what you do.
Make sure each part of your site works, and if not fix it. Keep funny marks out of the URL and Titles as much as possible. Make sure you do not over crowd the amount of links per page, the Search engines recommend no more than 100 per website.
There are some more guidelines available through the different search engines but you need to be sure to follow the ones that all three agree on.
About The Author
Jonathan Leger is working hard to be the coolest guy on the planet. Find out how he's doing by visiting:
This article was posted on June 25, 2007
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5:33 PM
SEO for MSN and Google
by: Andrew Seidel
This article focuses on some of the differences between search engine optimisation for the Google and MSN. However I have included some results from Yahoo as a comparison.
As the majority of my clients have Australian businesses, my testing results are based on, and, with "results only from Australia" selected.
I recently took on a client whose website was built entirely in Macromedia Flash. Search Engines have little or no ability to read Flash* so this website could not be found anywhere in Google. However, on the basis of the keyword, "Make Up"-without the ""-their website was ranked at no.3 out of 188,984,290 results. The only place on the website where any keywords could be read by the search engines was the Meta tags.
This example shows a very clear distinction between how a search engines such as Google and MSN rank sites within their listings. I decided to run some very specific tests to find the differences between the Big3 search engines, and how easy or difficult it is to rank well within them.
Note: While there are many different components that make up a successful search engine optimisation campaign, different SEO mixtures are required for different sites, as well as different search engines. You cannot always rely on exactly the same SEO mix.
While this example may be great for a website built entirely within Flash, it does, however, leave room for search results within MSN to return results that are considerably less accurate then Google i.e. the tags could be filled with keywords that do not accurately reflect the website theme.
While Google places some importance on the header and description tags of a website, it places more importance on the content of a website. i.e. if your content does not support the keywords you have placed in your Meta tags, it is unlikely you will see results from your Meta Tags unless your website has no real competition.
There are other important aspects as well, such as link popularity, but these other components are not the focus of this article.
Example 1 - Flash designed Website My client's website had absolutely no optimisation work done other than place information within the title, description and keyword tags, and only on the home page.
The header and title tag mentions "make up" once and "make-up" is mentioned three times. In MSN search, "make up" ranks 3 out of 188,984,290 results, "make-up" ranks 3 out of 26,586,615 results.
When searching the first 100 results in Google, this website was nowhere to be found under either key phrase. My further tests proved that ranking well in MSN with this method is not just specific to this example.
Example 2 - Comparisons between Google, MSN and Yahoo For further testing I used a totally different and more competitive industry-finance. In this case I used a website that was already well optimised. I focused on a commonly misspelled keyphrase- "buisness loans" and started by adding this phrase once into the header tag.
When I started this test, the following total search results for each keyphrase were: - Google - 534 - MSN - 295 - Yahoo - 395
6th May 2006 - Added these keywords. On this date my client's site did not appear under the key phrase, "buisness loans", nor did it appear in the first 100 results in either MSN or Google. The key phrase above is a commonly misspelt phrase for Business Loans. The correct phrase currently ranks at position 3 in MSN Search.
13th May 2006 - This keyphrase appeared at position 1 in MSN, but no results in Google's top 100.
19th May 2006 - A further 6 days later no results for this keyphrase had appeared in Google, so taking the test one step further, I added this keyphrase to the description tag.
26th May 2006 - With still no results showing in Google, I placed this keyphrase into the anchor text of one of the links towards the lower part of the page content.
26th May 2006 - This keyphrase appeared in Yahoo search results at No.1.
26th May 2006 - This keyphrase also appears in Google's search results at Position 6.
During this period of testing, all search engines crawled the site on a daily basis, so all changes I made would have been noticed by them during the crawl.
While my testing confirmed some interesting results, what it most importantly highlights is the need to test different methods with different keywords within the main search engines of your focus to achieve a successful search engine optimisation campaign.
* More recent versions of Flash have settings that allow you to change the format of the text within Flash to render it HTML and allow the search engines to read it, but it still does not allow you to work with the text in an SEO friendly way.
About The Author
Andrew Seidel is the Managing Director of Quantum Web Solutions and is an Australian SEO Specialist and Search Engine Placement Consultant.
This article was posted on October 09, 2006
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5:30 PM
Search Engine Optimization And The Magic Fairy Dust
by: Bill Platt
There is only one thing that all webmasters agree upon... They all want to be at the top of the search engine results for search terms that will drive traffic and consumers to their website.
The truth is that the search engines are like our childhood game of King Of The Hill. Only one person can be at the top of the hill and the top of the search results. Only ten websites can be on page one of the search results. When a new website moves into the top ten, another must be removed.
For any given search term at any given time, there are only ten web pages on page one of the search results, and there are millions of web pages that did not make page one, who may or may not catch a few stragglers from the search engines.
How Can A Website Break Into The Top Ten?
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is an industry that has sprung up around the concept of helping their clients improve their rankings in the search engine results.
When you talk to SEO professionals, they generally point to a two-pronged approach to search ranking optimization. A website owner needs to optimize their on-site real estate for the search engines, and they need to build inbound links to their website.
On-Site Search Optimization Challenges
The trick with on-site search optimization is that you must cater to multiple audiences on your website.
* You must provide simple navigation and an attractive interface to the human visitor;
* You must provide good sales copy to your human visitors, for the purpose of converting them from shoppers to buyers;
* You must provide text copy for the search engines to read; and
* You must optimize your content to help the search engines know what topics and keywords they should pay attention, so that they can give their users the right web page for the right search terms.
A web page that draws good search rankings is useless if the web page cannot convert the human visitor to a buyer. Many website owners get caught up in the process of optimizing a web page to get it to the top of the search results, and they forget that the human visitor knows where the Back Button is in his or her browser. Once your visitor has hit the Back Button, they will go to someone else's website and buy from them, instead of you.
Most website owners have the alternate problem. They consistently convert a significant number of visitors to buyers, but they have to rely on various forms of paid advertising to get visitors to their websites, since they do not rank in the search engines.
I recently spoke with an individual who spends ,000 per month on pay-per-click advertising to get targeted traffic to his website. He said he consistently earns back his money, but he was still looking for a better way to get ranked in the search engines, so he joined my client list.
On-Site Search Engine Optimization Basics
According to the search engine companies, there are more than one thousand calculations that determine how well a website will rank in their search engine result pages (SERPs).
The Google engineers are fond of saying that if you build your website for human beings instead of search engines, then your website should rank well in their algorithms. To a certain degree, this is a good strategy.
Think about how magazines are constructed:
The Table Of Contents shows story titles, brief descriptions, and page numbers telling you where you can find a story.
On the story page, the title will be in big, bold font. Sometimes, the magazine will include a brief blurb about the story, in italics or font that is a bit bigger than the story font.
Pictures support the story with captions that further develop the story, by describing the picture.
Major subsections of the story have their own subheadings. And, the primary body of the story is in regular plain text, with only an occasional bolded or italicized word or phrase.
By analyzing the title and other large text on the page, a person who is flipping through the pages of a magazine can quickly assess the story content and make the decision as to whether they want to read the full story.
In the most simplistic way, this is how the search engines analyze a websites' content to decide which web page will best serve their users' needs.
Off-Site Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Basics
Since the inception of Google, and with Yahoo and MSN recently, the number and quality of links pointing to a website play a significant role in determining how well a web page will rank in the search results.
I have heard people suggest that as much as 75% of the value given to a web page in the search results is based solely on the number and quality of links pointing to a web page. I tend to believe a more conservative number (50.1%) will apply.
Inbound Links Are More Important Than Page Content
To prove this point, type "click here" without the quotes into Google, Yahoo and MSN and check the Adobe pages that come up in the search results: #1 in Google, #2 in Yahoo, and #1 in MSN. When you pull up those pages, search the page to find the individual words "click" or "here" in the text of those pages. They are not there. This has happened because millions of people have linked to these Adobe pages with the embedded anchor text, "click here".
Next, let's analyze those specific web pages from the perspective of each of the search engines:
* Google's #1 result - Google PageRank 8. ( Links to this web page: according to Google (31); according to Yahoo (nearly 12 million); according to MSN (6,400).
* Yahoo's #2 result - Google PageRank 10. ( Links to this web page: Google (15,200); Yahoo (700 thousand); MSN (32).
* MSN's #1 result - Google PageRank 8. ( Links to this web page: Google (0); Yahoo (2.9 million); MSN (778).
On Google's top result, they show 31 inbound links total for that web page. But, Yahoo claims that there are more than 12 million links to this page. That is a huge difference.
On Yahoo's #2 result, MSN gives 32 links, Google gives 15,000 links, and Yahoo claims it has 700 thousand links! That is another huge difference between the link counts from the search engines.
On MSN's #1 result, MSN shows a strong link count, but still nowhere near Yahoo's 2.9 million links. But, how does a web page with zero links in Google get a PageRank 8?
What Do These Numbers Mean?
Google has always said that they will never show us all of the links that we have pointing to our websites, because anything we can see in the public search results, our competitors can see also. So, for me it really is no surprise that we cannot see all of the links that point to Adobe pages, or to the links we have created that point to our clients and ourselves, by querying the search engines.
Also, the sheer numbers of inbound links do not rule the roost. Google's #1 result (PR8) is actually shown in Google, before Yahoo's #2 (PR10) result.
The Proof For Link Building Is In The Search Engine Rankings
Recently, a fellow who works as a SEO "professional" told me that be believed my link building system was a sham.
I showed him that on the top 51 keyword phrases we use to market our original commercial website, we had 11 number one results, 31 top five results, 34 top ten results, 47 top thirty results, and 51 top 100 results within the Google search results. Additionally, it was shown that only three of those results competed with fewer than one million search results according to Google, with the remaining 48 pages competing with one million to 533 million pages.
Ole boy tore up Google trying to track how it was possible for me to have accomplished what I claimed. He finally concluded that since Google would not show HIM how I was able to rank so well in their search engine results, then I must have been lying.
According to Yahoo, we have over 12,000 links from third-party websites. According to our site statistics, we received traffic from more than 16,000 unique web pages during 2006. And Google still swears that we only have 42 inbound links to our website!
Magic Fairy Dust
My nemesis concluded that since HE could not prove through Google how I was successful in getting good search rankings, then I could not have accomplished such results by the methods I claimed.
Okay, I admit it.
I used the exact same method that Adobe used to get to the top of Google's search engine rankings. I have a pocket full of magic fairy dust. Whenever, I do not like how my websites rank in the search engines, I sprinkle my magic fairy dust on my modem.
If you don't like where you are ranked in the search engines, then I suggest you forego the search engine optimization companies altogether and instead run over to the corner store to get your own magic fairy dust. You might have to shop around a bit, but it is out there.
About The Author
Bill Platt has been involved with link building ( since 1999 for his own promotion and for search engine marketing purposes, and he has been doing it professionally for clients since 2001. Visit to learn more. If you would like to talk to Bill in person, he can be reached at (405) 780-7745 between 9am and 6pm CST, Monday through Friday.
This article was posted on July 23, 2007
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5:24 PM